About Us​

Find out more about Univers Group

Our Purpose

“Making connections for a better world”

Our vision

“Leaving a legacy of social change”

Our values

“Ethics, Truth, Empathy, Loyalty, Excellence”
Do you want to know how your company can transform the world and open new doors for your growth?

Our story

Concerned about social inequality in Brazil and around the world, Univers Group was created in 2007 as a social innovation company developing methodologies that help organizations transform the territory and communities, ensuring more sustainable developments.

At that time, concerns related to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG), social responsibility, creative economy and sustainable development were not yet common in companies.

However, sustainable development began to be known in companies, which made it possible to carry out social projects that impact thousands of people.

A social innovation company

Since 2007, Univers Group has had the know-how to educate and lead consumers and companies toward a prosperous and harmonious society.

As companies became part of the community’s development, it became clear how these actions impact their results, reputation, and sustainability, facilitating the entry of new enterprises and engaging the local population in the region’s economic growth and development.

Companies have the power to transform the world and reinvent themselves for a more just and sustainable society, but what makes everything happen are people.

Behind this site, people think differently to discover new paths and build the future.

Na medida em que as empresas passaram a fazer parte do desenvolvimento da comunidade, ficou claro como essas ações impactam em seus resultados, reputação e sustentabilidade, facilitando a entrada de novos empreendimentos e engajando a população local no crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico da região.

Missão: “Fazer conexões por um mundo melhor.”

Visão: “Deixar um legado de mudança social.”

Valores: “Ética, Verdade, Empatia, Lealdade, Excelência.”

Uma empresa de inovação social

Por trás deste site existem pessoas que pensam diferente para descobrir novos caminhos e reinventar o futuro.
O Grupo Univers desenvolveu uma metodologia única e eficaz na entrega de resultados de impacto social para empresas privadas, poder público, ONGs e OSCIPs (Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público).

As empresas têm o poder de transformar o mundo e se reinventar para um sociedade mais justa e sustentável, mas quem faz tudo acontecer são as pessoas.

A empresa tem, em seus 14 anos de atuação, o know-how para educar e conduzir consumidores e empresas para o caminho do meio: uma sociedade próspera e harmoniosa.

Quer saber como sua empresa pode transformar o mundo a abrir novas portas para seu crescimento?

Clique aqui e conheça nossos serviços.

The people who make it all happen

Univers Group has a multidisciplinary team prepared for all challenges from consultancy, projects, and services. Eduardo Pane and Lucimara Correa lead the company by developing methods to achieve strategic objectives.

Eduardo Pane

Manager of Organizations and Projects specialized in Social Leadership by the Inter-American Development Foundation.

He is co-founder of Univers Group and has more than 25 years of experience in creating and implementing social innovation initiatives in Brazil, Europe, the United States and Africa.

In his professional journey, he worked in public institutions such as the Ministry of Culture and the Secretary of State for Culture of São Paulo. He has extensive experience with companies in implementing corporate social responsibility, social investment and ESG policies.

It has been working on the development of methodologies to scale social impact, using technological and sustainable tools.

Lucimara Correa

The Co-founder of Univers Group is a journalist working for the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo and TV Bandeirantes. She has more than 20 years of experience in the area of Communication and Social Dialogue.

Throughout his professional journey, he has worked in several Brazilian regions in community relationship actions, environmental licensing, facilitation of collaborative decision-making processes, crisis management, mapping, analysis and management of stakeholders and internal and external communication projects of large corporations and networks retailers.

She developed work in fishing, rural, quilombola and extractive communities. She coordinated creative economy projects and corporate social responsibility programs. She produced and directed institutional videos and documentaries.